15 Opt Outside Resources for Black Friday and Every Day

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If you've been an outdoor enthusiast for any length of time, you're probably aware of the #optoutside movement (and the #optoutside hashtag love fest on Instagram). It's a genius idea started by REI to encourage us humans to get outdoors on Black Friday every year instead of spending the day adding to the mad holiday shopping fray, and it's something that has expanded to every day of the year for a lot of us.

This year, since shopping in person might be a bad idea (and since opting to be outside is something I love every day of every year), I thought I would put together a few resources for families who want to opt-in for getting outdoors.

Visit the links below for inspiration, encouragement, and how-tos.

#optoutside togetherness tips:

#optoutside podcast interviews:

And if you always find yourself dreaming about getting your family into more adventure, bigger dreams, and deeper relationships through new experiences but can't seem to find the time or money to make it happen, I would love to keep chatting with you. Hop into the email group and tell me . . .

What's your favorite outdoor family adventure?

I can't wait to hear about it!