"I Don't Want to Homeschool Anymore" & What Comes After

We talk about a lot of life here, you and I.

Every Friday I send you a little something that's been on my heart and all over my mind, and every now and then, you send something back that's been on yours, too. It's become a ritual I treasure more than you could know.

But sometimes, something captures my heart and mind and takes over my attention for a season and I don't feel comfortable writing about it just yet. Sometimes, I have to sit with that something until I feel a release.

I bet we all have things like that — our mulling spices of sorts.

So, at the end of last school year, when my oldest decided on dual enrollment for his senior year and my youngest said point-blank,

"Mama, I don't want to homeschool anymore,"

I realized my life was shifting quite drastically, and I had to sit with it for a while.

I felt a lot of feelings — guilt, heartbreak, and worry right alongside curiosity, hope, and excitement. And honestly, I might have sat with those feelings too long if not for a writer friend who gave me the assignment to write about it.

"I want you to write something about homeschooling for the magazine," she said.

"But I won't be a homeschooler anymore." (me *nervous anxiety showing*)

"Even better."

I spent the next two months writing through my feelings and ended up with this ⤵

(Click the photo below to read the full article published just this week in Best Self Magazine)


Whether you've ever homeschooled a kiddo or not, my guess is you've been thrown into a life change, a season's end, a whirlwind you couldn't control. If that's the case, you know there's always a choice to make.

A little sneak peek into the article⤵

Wherever we find ourselves, we always get to choose how to approach what’s next, and I’m choosing to try my best to love whatever comes next for us.

One day at a time.

Whatever season you're in right now, whatever whirlwinds you find pushing you around, I hope you find strength and courage in my Homeschooling Epilogue story.

In all the stories we share together here.

One day at a time.

See you next Friday!

More about life changes

More about homeschooling