How to Turn Stuck at Home into FUN at Home

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Are you having a party?

Running into Target this week felt like taking a risk, but I did it anyway. I'm always cautious during flu season, but with so much in the media right now about the coronavirus outbreak, I didn't know what to expect. Thankfully, I didn't see anyone panicking or buying up all of the toilet paper and bottled water like I've seen on the news, but I did see something I'll never forget.

The little girl and her mom in the checkout line front of me were buying a bright red party dress along with a few other non-essentials and kid treats. They were smiling at each other, clearly having a good time, and the little girl looked at me and my two tall teenage boys and said, "That's my new party dress."

So of course, I asked, "Are you having a party?"

Her mom's reply came immediately, leaving an impact on me that lingers even now: "Every day at home is a party for us."

She went on to tell me about how they love to watch musicals and movies together so that her daughter can twirl around in her party dress, how they put out some snacks and make it into a party - just the two of them.

My heart was bursting. I wanted to scream out, "Oh my goodness - you're rocking it, mama! I think I'll go home and have a regular everyday kind of party with my kids too." I'm pretty sure she would have thought that was bonkers, though, so I just smiled a big goofy smile and stammered out something about how that was such a great idea.

But I couldn't forget it.

And now, as I hear about so many families who will be stuck at home for the next few weeks with school canceled and work being done from home (and even homeschooling families not able to get out to our gatherings like we normally do), I can't help but think,

What if we turned stuck at home into some FUN at home no matter the age of our kiddos?

That would be a family togetherness boost for sure.

There are challenges, I know - challenges us homeschooling mamas know all too well, but we can have some real fun and build deep connection while we're all stuck at home if we look for it.

Here are a few of our favorite ideas: 

Here are some ideas from other mamas: 

& Here’s some help for learning and doing school at home:

Do you have a way to make time at home with your kiddos extra fun?

Come on over to the email group and join the discussion - I'd love to hear about it!