A Surefire Trick to Help When Things Get Sticky

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"Let's go get ice cream - just me and you"

Those were the words that came to mind yesterday when I realized things were getting sticky with my littlest guy. He'd been playing with friends non-stop for days, and he needed a break but didn't know how to say it.

I could see the breakdown coming (mostly because I've seen it in myself way too many times when I over-do), so I said no to the activity he'd planned with his friends and told him I needed his help with errands. Then, right between the farm and the grocery store, we got ice cream together - no agenda, no siblings, nothing but me and him and the ice cream cones at the shop downtown.

It wasn't an earth-shattering conversation or deep teaching - it was just a moment of togetherness and eye contact, and there was no other place I wanted to be. Then, when the ice cream was gone, we finished up our errands and headed home.

As we rode in the truck and the song on the radio ended, it came out - the thing that bothers him sometimes.

And I was so glad we were right there alone to talk about it together. I don't do one-on-one time nearly enough with my kids, but that's something I want to change as they become teens and adults.

So this weekend, follow your gut, sweet mama, and get some time alone with the one in your family who needs it most. There are loads of ways - a coffee shop, a movie, dinner out, a quick walk around the block, a day hike, or maybe even an overnight away - whatever fits your style.

It certainly doesn't have to be big or long or fancy to bring connection, and you don't have to force it - it can be even as simple as an ice cream cone.

How do you do one-on-ones in your family?

Come join the discussion in the email group - I'd love to hear all about it!