How to Find Your Family's Thing

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Every family has a thing. Whether they call it their sweet spot, the good ol' days, or just doing what they do - it's there somewhere. Some families find their thing right away, and for others, it takes some time.

Whether it's camping, traveling, horseback riding, baseball, academics, church, soccer, music, dance, theater, homeschooling, the family business, hiking, puppies, or literature, I bet you're thinking about something right now that might just be your family's thing.

Or maybe like me, you won't decide easily.

When I was newly married and my kids were really small, all of my friends were settling into their families' things - baseball, school groups, dance - but my family didn't find our thing easily.

And then one day, we realized it was okay that we were a little different and that might just be our thing. 

We loved to move to different communities and meet people, settle in for a little while, and then move again. We saw ourselves as friend collectors, moving around and making friends all over the world.

But that couldn't be our family's thing, could it? 

As it turns out, it could - we stopped moving to different houses, moved into a little house that moves itself, and quickly became "that traveling family" chasing adventure in an attempt to be together more, and we've been using travel to connect as a family ever since. 

It's the thing that makes us different - the biggest way we bond with each other, and while it was hard at first, these days we're really liking that it's our thing. 

Click here to get the details in our new article "How Does Full-Time Family Travel Work?"

But enough about us -

How do you find your family's thing? You find it by looking and trying new things - together.

If my experience has taught me anything it's that you'll rarely find something you're not looking for, but when you look, you'll find it.

And in that attempt to find the thing that most defines our families, we are having conversations with our spouses and kids we will remember for life, we are going places together we've never been before, and we are connecting in ways we never knew possible. 

Now that's togetherness if I've ever seen it.

Because when we get excited about something that we have in common, our family relationships grow stronger. 

Have you found your family's thing?

Join the discussion in the email group - I’d love to chat!