A Must-Read Read-Aloud for Little Kids

Lately I've been noticing how much I miss good picture books.

Especially the really good ones like the Mr. Putter and Tabby series by Cynthia Rylant.

It’s a realization that came on recently as I was cleaning out our old book stacks. (Now that my kids are teenagers, our picture books are getting way too dusty on the back of our shelves, crammed in our corners, and hiding in crevices.) The other day, I found a small stack of Mr. Putter and Tabby books, cracked one open and then another, and didn’t look up for quite a while. When I did, it was to search for my phone, hop online, and order the rest of the collection. I’ve been watching them roll in on UPS trucks and reading every single one ever since.

I tell my kids I’m saving them for posterity (aka grandkids), but really, I just love them for myself and I’d totally read them with any random kiddo who wanders past my porch.

I may have even shed a tear or two while reading them.

Because good picture books we read with our children will always be full of good memories together — no matter how old they get.

Mr. Putter and Tabby were our constant companions when my kids were little - always in our library haul, always on the bedtime story rounds, always in our hearts. They're probably why we adopted a rescue kitty, why we spend lazy mornings with tea and good books together, why we do all sorts of things.

I don’t normally like telling people what exactly they should do, but if you haven't read them, you should.

Especially if you have littles in your life.

Or maybe even if you don't. 🤓

Here’s where you can purchase them. (But I bet you can find plenty at your local library, too.)