Celebrating 3 Years of Togetherness Tips

It all started on a regular Wednesday morning when I opened an email from my friend Kristen and read the story about how she started Best Self Magazine.

In this email, she shared her secret — she saw a need, had a big dream in her heart to fill it, and got some help from an epic online course called B-school.

I don't know why in the world I did what I did next, but I wrote back and told her I wanted to know more.

A few weeks later, Togetherness Redefined was on the web, and on Friday, April 5, 2019, I sent my first togetherness tip to a handful of friends who had graciously signed up to receive Friday morning emails about family togetherness — a tribute to long, luxurious family breakfasts.

Since then, I've sent a togetherness tip every Friday to hundreds of people about everything from reading books aloud, traveling full-time, and homeschooling to waking up to racism, talking about sex with our kiddos, and reading more for ourselves.

I've also recorded podcasts with inspiring guests, published a book, and had the incredible honor of writing for publications with a broad reach like Best Self, iMOM, and ROVA and teaching personal growth classes to so many beautiful women.

And soon (hopefully *very soon*), I'll be working with a new literary agent and publisher to get book #2 off of my computer and into your hands. (If you know of a good one, send them my way 😘.)

But really, I should be saying we — not I.

Because even though I technically wrote and published all of those things, there's no way I could have done it without you. If you've been here since that very first one, I really can't say THANK YOU enough. And if you're newer or this is your very first time reading a Friday morning togetherness tip, THANK YOU for being here. Thank you for showing up and opening these emails.

If it weren't for you I wouldn't be sharing or writing anything.

So this week, I'll be celebrating these three years of togetherness tips. (There might even be cake involved.)

I hope you will, too.

Because you haven't just been showing up here for me — you've been showing up here for yourself and your family.

You read.
You journal.
You listen.
You dig into resources.
You do all you can to bring your best to your family every single day.

That's worth celebrating.

And always — always — I hope these togetherness tips are helpful, hopeful, and encouraging for you and your very own flavor of personal growth, family, and life. That's why I'm in your inbox every Friday morning — to make family togetherness and living a life you love easier, lighter, and so much more of a reality.

If you have ideas, questions, or comments about how Togetherness Redefined can serve you better — or even about how you can bring your own dream to life — please shoot me a message.

I'm here.

So incredibly grateful to be here.

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